Would You Rather Questions

Either to start a new conversation or to ice-break the silence at any party, asking questions will be one of the best ways to start with.  Asking the question and asking "why" can facilitate some amazing conversations. You can find interesting answers and learn a lot about the person you are talking to. 

If you are only two, you can ask yourself questions. If you have a group, you can ask each group member and ask questions. However, when you are playing with a group, you will definitely need some unique questions. And when it comes to would you rather, the funny question are the most memorable so you can find some awesome funny would you rather questions for parties here. Because the shooting the toughest questions will bring the most funnier and unexpected answers which will add more fun to the parties. 

Apart from fun facts, you can find Would you rather questions for different categories of people and for different emotions.


About Would You Rather Game:

This is a simple game. The game is to ask a question to your partner or friends, leaving them with only two option. They have to choose any one among them and have to answer why they have chosen it. This might seem quite old fashioned game, but when you start to play this, it will be so fun. 

The selection of questions plays a very important role in making this game more interesting. In this post, you can find some interesting questions. 

Would you Rather Questions:

  1. Would you rather use 1-ply toilet tissue that you prefer to wear or just about all shirts that are itchy?
  2. Would you rather have spaghetti bristles that grow every night or maple syrup that is sweat?
  3. Would you rather be a teleporter or be a person who is able to read minds?
  4. Would you rather be with a cute and idiot person or with a smart but ugly one?
  5. Would you be a wonderful artist or mathematician?
  6. Do you eat only spicy foods or incredibly soft foods?
  7. Would you be surprised to ride horses or dirt bikes?
  8. Would you live in China or Russia in the next 10 years of your life?
  9. Do you want to be in a room on the beach or in the forest?
  10. Do you want to leave bathing for a month and leave the internet for a month?

These are some of the sample questions we have mentioned. There are a lot of sites offering such kind of question for you. Check out these cool kinds of stuff and have fun with your friends.